eating in sync with nature

6 Jun 2024


4 mins read

Sumit Salunke

Ayurveda @ Lavi

certain fruits and vegetables are only available in a particular season. have you ever wondered why? nature provides us exactly what our body needs in the season. however, the advancement of agriculture, new technologies, and international trade have enabled a year-round supply of fresh produce, creating a diverse food culture in many countries, including India.

however, this has led to high environmental costs, including increased energy usage, land use change, and loss of biodiversity. additionally, we are now consuming fruits and vegetables that may or may not be compatible with what our body needs. understanding the benefits and limitations of seasonal produce requires considering the entire food system.

what do we mean by seasonal food?

seasonal food simply means eating what's growing naturally at that time of year. There are two primary ways to think about seasonality:

global seasonality: this refers to food grown outdoors during its natural growing cycle, taking advantage of sunlight and rainfall.

local seasonality: this takes it a step further, focusing on food produced and consumed within the same climate zone. this minimizes the need for energy-intensive transportation and storage.

why go with seasonal food?

there are several reasons to embrace seasonal eating:

taste: food grown in its respective season simply tastes better. let’s take mangoes as an example. we wait patiently for the right season before we get to enjoy the king of fruits. similarly, every fruit and vegetable has its prime time in the year.

nutrition: seasonal produce is more nutritious, is picked when its perfectly and hasn't traveled long distances.

sustainability: by choosing seasonal and local foods, you reduce your carbon footprint by minimizing transportation and cold storage needs. 

supporting local farmers: seasonal eating means buying from local farmers' markets, which supports your community and helps preserve farmland.

how to get started with seasonal eating?

here are some tips for incorporating more seasonal food into your diet:

shop at farmers markets: this is a great way to find fresh, local produce at its best.

consider starting your own garden: even a small balcony garden can provide you with fresh herbs and seasonal vegetables.

plan your meals around what's in season: meals that incorporate locally grown are most likely to provide maximum nutritional value.

choosing the right foods in a season for your body is challenging. each individual’s needs are different and Làvi enables you to modify your kitchen as per the needs of your body and embrace seasonality. 

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