design your eating environment for better habits and choices

18 Oct 2023


1 min read

Sumit Salunke

Ayurveda @ Lavi

creating a healthy eating environment at home can significantly impact our food choices and overall well-being.

start by arranging your kitchen to support your health goals. clear out the sugary snacks and processed foods, replacing them with fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. keep these nutritious options within easy reach, making them the first choice for a quick snack. invest in clear storage containers, showcasing colorful, cut-up fruits and veggies, enticing you to choose them over less healthy options.

additionally, the way you present your food matters.

use smaller plates to control portion sizes and opt for vibrant, colorful dishes. research suggests that the visual appeal of our meals can influence our satisfaction, making us less likely to indulge in unhealthy foods later. arrange your dining area to be inviting and free from distractions, allowing you to focus on the sensory experience of eating.

another essential aspect is meal preparation. dedicate time to plan and cook your meals. when healthy, home-cooked options are readily available, you’re less likely to resort to fast food or unhealthy takeout choices. meal prepping not only saves time but also ensures that you’re consuming balanced, nourishing meals.

involve your family or housemates in this process. creating a shared commitment to healthy eating fosters a fun, collaborative environment.

cooking offers creative opportunities and a rewarding experience when you cook your own food. it is also a great way for off-screen time and take a break. for many people, it is relaxing or meditative or both.

to conclude, by designing your food environment mindfully, you can shape your eating habits positively, leading to a healthier and happier you.

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