link between immunity and diet

6 Jun 2024


3 mins read

Sumit Salunke

Ayurveda @ Lavi

immune function refers to the body's ability to defend against external infections and serve as a surveillance mechanism against harmful agents. our immune system develops appropriate tolerance to avoid unwanted responses to healthy tissues in the body or harmless foreign substances. immune response varies in every individual due to factors like genetics, environment, lifestyle choices, nutrition, and how these factors interact with each other.

in this genetic environment and fast paced routine, managing a balanced lifestyle and nutrition can be tricky.

impact of COVID-19 on immunity

the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical importance of understanding and boosting immunity. various methods, such as vaccines, immune-boosting medicines, and supplements, have helped people maintain immunity, but the most effective and accessible approach has always been a balanced diet. opting for a nutritious diet is the ideal solution to enhance and strengthen your immune system. by incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals, you can provide your body with the necessary nutrients to support your immune system. remember that a balanced diet is key to overall health and well-being. 

ayurvedic point of view 

ayurveda emphasizes on the importance of strength, or ‘bala’, as the foundation of immunity. this strength is fueled by ‘ojas’, the essence of tissues, which are formed by ‘ahar rasa’, the nutrients extracted from food. proper digestion and metabolism are crucial for the formation of strong ‘dhatus’, the body's seven tissues. healthy dhatus lead to the production of ojas, which plays a vital role in immunity. 

‘Rasayana’ therapy, or rejuvenation through diet, offers a practical approach to supporting immunity through dietary adaptations like chyawanprash, known for its immune-building properties. by prioritizing good digestion, a nourishing diet, and practices that support ojas, we can cultivate a strong inner resilience according to ayurvedic principles.

how can we achieve this balance? 

the first and the most crucial step is to provide the right nutrition to build every cell and tissue in the body. food serves to supply the essential energy in the form of calories, required to sustain bodily functions. along with that the immune function depends on healthy dietary habits. Eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods can help reduce inflammation in the body, which boost overall immune health. additionally, staying hydrated and getting regular exercise can further support a strong immune system. 

here at Làvi, we aim to achieve a balance in diet and lifestyle to enhance your immunity and overall health. our personalized meals plans not only cater to your diet but also focuses on all lifestyle habits and mental well being. 

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