making conscious lifestyle choices with ‘Prakriti’ identification

14 Nov 2023


2 mins read

Sumit Salunke

Ayurveda @ Lavi

Ayurveda, often referred to as the “science of life,” is an ancient holistic healing system originating in India over 5,000 years ago. rooted in profound wisdom and timeless principles, Ayurveda embodies a comprehensive understanding of human health and well-being. 

the term “Ayurveda” is derived from Sanskrit, where “Ayur” means life, and “Veda” signifies knowledge or science. this holistic discipline encompasses a profound understanding of the body, mind, and spirit, aiming not just at treating diseases but fostering overall wellness by addressing the root cause of ailments. 

Prakriti and Doshas: the Pillars of Ayurveda

central to Ayurveda are two fundamental principles: Prakriti and Doshas. Prakriti defines an individual’s unique constitution, determined at birth by a distinctive combination of factors such as sperm, embryo, pregnancy circumstances, delivery methods, cosmic alignment etc. these factors intensify specific doshas, creating a distinctive tri-dosha combination that remains constant throughout an individual’s life journey.

Doshas, comprising Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, represent the elemental forces that govern the body’s functions and attributes, impacting an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional characteristics. the dosha combination predominant at birth shapes an individual’s physique, susceptibility to diseases, and response to treatment. 

within Ayurveda, seven Prakriti types categorize human constitutions based on dosha predominance: single-dosha predominance (Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja), two-dosha predominance (Vata-pittaja, Vata-kaphaja, Kapha-pittaja), and Sama-prakriti, where all three doshas exist in equal proportions.

the significance of understanding Prakriti

understanding one’s Prakriti guides lifestyle choices, dietary preferences, and daily routines. Ayurvedic treatments, customized after an extensive Prakriti examination, ensure that individuals receive suitable therapies tailored to their unique constitutions, effectively addressing health concerns.

moreover, an individual’s Prakriti can predict potential health issues they might be predisposed to. aligning with routines attuned to one’s Prakriti is pivotal, as deviations may exacerbate predominant doshas, potentially leading to diseased conditions.

determining one’s Prakriti necessitates a comprehensive assessment by an Ayurvedic practitioner, considering physical, psychological, physiological, and behavioral traits to ascertain the percentage of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha characteristics.

imbalances in doshas disrupt the body’s equilibrium, leading to health issues. understanding one’s Prakriti is instrumental in identifying and addressing these imbalances, leading to personalized health recommendations and treatments.


Ayurveda’s holistic approach emphasizes the deep interconnection between an individual and their environment, recognizing lifestyle, diet, emotions, and spiritual well-being as intrinsic to overall health. it aspires to establish a balanced and harmonious existence, striving to maintain equilibrium within the body and in relation to the external world.

understanding one’s Prakriti serves as a compass for identifying imbalances, facilitating tailored treatments that realign the body to its natural equilibrium. this holistic approach aims not just to alleviate symptoms but to address the root cause of health concerns. Ayurvedic treatments, though time-intensive, are distinctive in their pursuit of holistic healing, diverging from conventional medicine, which often offers temporary relief. Ayurveda endeavours to cure symptoms by addressing their foundational origins, delivering a more encompassing and enduring solution.

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